wick1ert wrote:
I guess I was looking for confirmation that going from RS232 to USB to Cat5 into my router would work with SG View software. I'm sure I could go from enet to USB in the office if plugging into the router won't work. I would just need another converter.
RS232 and USB are protocols over a physical wire, CAT5 is just wire, typically used for ethernet but cat5 is just a class of twisted pair wires. You can't go from on to the other without converters and converts can have delays and packet stuffing that could make SG-View not work ( timing ).
The inverter is RS232 and that what you need to have talking to the computer. USB is limited to 3 meters unless you have repeaters, but its expensive and totally unessary when the inverter is RS232.
One solution is to have a cheap computer or laptop in the garage with the RS232 line to the inverter and its runs SG-View, then the PC can be networked using the cat5 as is and upload the data or remote desktop to that PC to monitor
IMHO, the simple solution is take a cat5 cable, cut it in half and solder on the 3 connection to the db9, pins 2,3,5. doesn't mater which three wires you use on the cat5 cable, just make it the same on both ends. Now you have PC/RS232 to the wall thru you new cable ... same thing on the garage end. About 20 minutes work