When I designed my system, I thought I was being conservative when selecting a GT 3.3 for use with my 20 Kyocera KC130TM solar panels (2600 watts total STC). Today, in temps of around -10 C, and scattered clouds, GT-View was announcing a couple of things I hadn't see before. In blue, it said "MAX POWER 3600" and in red it said "DC POWER LIMIT", or something similar. The DC power seemed to be limited to 3585-3590 watts dc. I know from the manual, the DC input limit is 3600 watts. So because of the snow reflection, cold temps, being mounted on trackers, and I suppose edge of cloud reflection, the array output was about 40% higher than the STC rated power. It was only being limited for a few minutes at a time, and would drop back slightly due to clouds. My question is, am I hurting the inverter in situations like this, or will the GT Inverter be OK.