Solar Guppy Discussion Forum

shadow effects on pv performance?
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Author:  ralphday [ Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:45 pm GMT EthGMT ]
Post subject:  shadow effects on pv performance?

In the process of preparing a site for 10kw grid tied system (micro-fit program in Ontario). To avoid spending many thousands of dollars (or too much of my labour) in brush clearing I'm wondering just how much degradation of performance will occur from the shadow of my wind turbine tower tracking across the array area? Should it be avoided at all costs?

Thanks, this is a start.


Author:  WizBandit [ Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:25 pm GMT EthGMT ]
Post subject:  Re: shadow effects on pv performance?

I have two power poles that shade across my solar trackers. One is directly to the south of #2 that only goes across during the winter months. I have two 6 panel arrays on each tracker and when the shadow hits it the array output goes to zero while the shadow is crossing it, about a hour. The other pole is to the west and it does the same to two trackers, slowly moving across both arrays late in the afternoon shutting down output from two arrays for about an hour and a half. I have 4 six panel arrays on each charge controller, as long as at least one array is in full sun the MPP will be tracking on it and the lower voltage on the shaded arrays will not contribute much if any to the output of the charge controller. There is not much I can do except just live with the lower output during the shading. If you are installing a new system I would avoid shading at all cost, it will pay off in the long run.

Author:  ralphday [ Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:50 am GMT EstGMT ]
Post subject:  Re: shadow effects on pv performance?

Thanks bandit
With it being so easy to avoid any shading in my proposed site I shall do so. A little more prep time and money will make sure of that.


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