Inside a house, I'd use a powered vent, or a vertical pipe for venting.
I've see somewhere in the last 6 months, someone who studied using copper water pipe as a buss bar, and had good results, I was thinking of it for myself, but with the following prep, clean and tin (solder, electronic solder, not lead free) the round pipe, then flatten it (drive my truck lengthwise down it) and reflow the solder job, so the inner walls are soldered together. This will help the copper resist corrosion, and yield a "bar" that I can drill and thru bolt, without the walls collapsing as I tighten the bolts. I'd use crimped lugs for the interconnects.
If the bars heated up, would they light the wood on fire ? How much would proper insulator standoffs cost ?, maybe something other than $25 standoffs. Something from cut strips of plexiglass or lexan ?