sorry to hear some of you are having issues,
I have a single old 500mhz pc monitoring 3 GT inverters. I have three copies of GT-View running each in ther own folder uploading to godaddy without issue
Couple of things I do, I have the interval different so I don't get the concurrent login issue, I have the file names of the png files different and on my display script, I cache the pngs so if an internet user happen to displaying the image there isn't a lock conflict, IE an update to an actively displayed image. Also if there is a conflict, instead of just keeping a broken ping image displayed, the script will retry in one second ( instead of the 120 seconds ) to update the image
The script is here
Here is an example of how to prefetch :
<title>Woodwind Hills Solar Status</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function prefetch_pool() {
cached_image_pool = new Image();
cached_image_pool.scr = "";
function swap_pool() {
document.fishbowl_pic_pool.src = cached_image_pool.scr;
function woops_pool() {
<body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0">
<img name="fishbowl_pic_pool" src="" onError="setTimeout('woops_pool()',100);" onLoad="setTimeout('prefetch_pool()',120000);" width="557" height="185">
Also, if you want to make the status window a fixed size, call it from another html file ( like your main index file ) like so
<Script Language="JavaScript">
function openwindowlink() {
newwin ="","Solar","height=555,width=557,location=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,status=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0")
<font face="Verdana">Real Time Status</font></b> of our dual 2900 watt arrays via GT-View
<a href="JavaScript:openwindowlink()">REAL TIME STATUS</a> *, </p>