Solar Guppy wrote:
Lets say it takes 100 watt/hr a day for a pair of fans a a cheap timer,
Cost, lets say 15 cents kWh ... so we have 365 days @ 100 wHr day = 36.5 kWr / year @ 15 cents kWh = $5.40
So , what would some fangled thermsat save? at most $5.40 if it never turns on
Run the fan, make your inverters live an extra 8 years for 5 bucks a year, figure a timer and fans might be 30 bucks initial outlay
Oh, the inverters are more efficient the cooler the heatsink is ( the FET's have lower losses ) so in reality, the fans probably net energy, not use it, but I thought a little math would drive the point home
Okay, I took your advise and installed a fan on a timer to see what the difference would be in the heat sink temperature.
AC timer = 5.00 (Home Depot)
40 Watt Fan= 10.00 (Home Depot) Smallest fan I could find.
Total cost is $15.00
I have the fan set on the low setting and it is drawing 29 watts. The fan is cooling both inverters. My heat sink temperatures are now running at 107 degrees instead of 130 degree.
Is 107 degrees cool enough? Or should I be looking for something lower?
What number am a shooting for as far as the heat sink temperature.
I wonder what the optimum heat sink temperature is for efficiency of the inverter??