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 Post subject: Now you can graph your SG-VIew logs at
PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 9:54 pm GMT EthGMT 
Fish Eggs
Fish Eggs

Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:10 am GMT EthGMT
Posts: 7

In the last year and a half, a few people have got in touch to ask how they can go about making graphs of their solar power production, similar to the ones I have on my website at Well, to make a long story short, I've now created a part of the website where you can upload your daily log files and make graphs from them. :-)

You can control the size, the scales and the colours. It will make a good attempt to size all the fonts and spacing and so on to fit based on your choices.

It will work best with logs that have data at one minute increments. If there is more frequent data than that, it will just ignore the "in between" values. If the increments are larger than one minute, it will interpolate the data.

I have released the software under the AGPL license, which means you're free to use it and modify it as long as you include all your changes when you pass it on to anyone, and you also make the source code available to users if you end up hosting the software on a server yourself.

I hope many people have fun using it and get some useful perspective on the performance of their own systems. Let me know how it goes. Good luck!


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