I was going to post this in the xantrex part of the solar guppy forum but it is more a general mppt question rather than xantrex.
My battery bank will be 48volts I will be getting Evergreen 190watt panels.
Specs are
My question is what is the best voltage for my array to be wired. I am basically thinking it comes down to efficiency, but I would think a high voltage low amp is more efficient almost always but maybe there is a sweet spot.
It is better to go with max voltage or just a little bit above battery charging voltages. For example on 48v battery bank, for the panels should I aim for mid 60's volts for my panels, 90's or maybe 120's.
I know I really have to check the charge controller the xantrex xw in this situation, well atleast for the 120's voltage. As it would be a close call on the Voc numbers. My guess the 90's voltage range would be best in this case.
I would imagine there are a fair number of things varying with the changing voltage array. Just basically which is the most appropriate value to run.
Keep in Mind my array will not start the days off lower than 60degrees F. With most of common day temps. 80's-mid 90's. SO I am never going to out perform specs. But hopefully I do not fall to short of them either.