Thanks Solar Guppy!
I confirmed that the noise is coming from the fan, so at a minimum I need to replace that.
Regarding the output of the system, I got out a ladder today and checked the modules. There are 55 modules, BP Solar Millennia model MST45IHS, rated at 45 watts max. (I can't find any data sheets for these modules, but it appears that these were originally designed by Solarex, which later became part of BP.) Since they are 8 yrs old, I'll consider them to be 40 watt modules. Applying your rule of thumb, 55 * 40 * 4 = 8.8 kwh. Today was mostly clear and sunny, and the harvest was about 9.2 kWh according to the Suntie, so that's in the ballpark.
I also ran the pvwatts v1 calculator to estimate the system output ( ... /version1/). According to it, the avg daily output for June should be about 9.7 kwh (with the panels derated by 10% due to age). Today's harvest should have been above average, given the clear weather, so according to this calculator the system does seem to be under-performing.
Any other thoughts or suggestions? Thanks!