san_juan_dad wrote:
That max voc number is for a lowest ambient temp of 23 F, which is very realistic for this area.
The 575 volt number is within the Zantrex spec, just bearly. Even the wire, #6 awg THHH/THWN is only rated to 600 volts.
I guess it will depend on how the GT tunes it's harvesting voltage. I have a GT 3.8, and am just north of you in Los Angeles. We've had a pretty cold week here, but between the sun being low on the horizon (bad angle) and no real production till after things heat up a bit, I see nowhere near the HV that the sizer says I will get.
GT3.8 sharp 208Wx 11 in a string 32F 11 Modules= 430.1V
I've never seen over 350V, and this has been a really cold week. I think the factors on their sizer are unrealistic, as what's the likelyhood it will be cold with full sun on the panels. I know the brightness affects the amps more than it affects voltage, but I just don't see the high voltages the sizer says I should see. Maybe the SW guru here can explain how it happens that way. ... stall.html
check it out about 7am when it's light enough to start up.