My STXR2500 just passed 30,000 kwh lifetime production. I installed it 3/14/03, which is 3100 days ago, so the long-term average production has been 9.68 kwh/day. It's fed by 28 SX120 panels facing due south at 24 degrees. The cabling averages 30 feet of 8 awg. for each rack of four panels. The daily net power produced was 2.9x the label rating of the panels.
I only once saw it hit 2500 watts, on a cold clear day after a storm with some sharp-edged clouds helping.
I live only 1/2 mile from the Pacific coast, with morning fog common, so the less than usual production isn't too surprising. As long as my meter runs backward during peak hours I'm happy!
Alan / Magic Sound