Being in your neighborhood (95008), I've been thinking alot about your shoehorning problem using the latest & greatest. In thinking smaller, you may have more options. Take the KC-80 panel, for instance. It's 1/2 the geometry and weight of the 167, and less than half the price ( for 167 wholesale price, vs for 80 retail price). Although the installation effort and materials is a little more, you end up with more choices :
1) You may be able to add more than 24 KC-80s on your roof.
2) You may be able to tilt them up a bit on the lower pitched roof (unless your wife hates the esthetics)
3) A standard 12v panel means you don't have to traverse a string across both rooves.
4) You could elect to use a string inverter (Sunny Boy) or a Suntie, though I would go with the ST if all panels aren't pitched the same.
-- LH