I'll take a shot at answering this.
Actually each pair of panels will put out current limited by the lowest of the pair while the voltage is added. So, each pair of panels should output 73V @ 5A (or less) at MPPT. The entire array of 10 panels will be somewhere on the order of 73V @ 23-25A. If the charge controller is the Outback MX60, it is rated to 60A.
Five 50' runs of 10AWG would give you a current of ~5A per run and a voltage drop of ~1% @ 48V. Here is the table I used:
http://www.jhlarson.com/ind_table.htm Since most solar arrays are planned for a multi-decade life you really want to keep any losses as low as possible. A combiner box and 4AWG runs (25A) actually has a slightly higher loss (~1.5%) than the multiple 10AWG runs.
Overall it appears that the 50' MC cables should be cheaper and more efficient than 5' MC plus a combiner and the 'free' 4AWG you already have.