Ok! I got what I wanted working.. I am still working on modifications and the server isn't up 100% of the time right now, so expect some holes in the graphs..
Click on All Dashboards, then View Solar Performance
Solar Performance Graphs
Several utilities were put together for this:
The first part is a c program that queries a serial port with a command followed by a \r then waits for a repsonse followed by a \r and then echo's the ouput.
I then have a cron'd bash shell script that runs every minute to collect the data and import it into an rrd database.
The RRD database is created with the following script:
I then used an open source package called drraw for the webinterface and graph generation from the rrd database. I modified the footer in the config to pull values for the daily and system totals.
drraw is available
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at