I'm power limiting with my 3600 watt array under clear sky conditions when the weather is cool or the wind is blowing, i.e. my MPPT is up at say, 62 volts or more around noon, otherwise max. output ranges from say, 2425 to less than 2500 watts. The truth is that I am not altogether happy with the current produced by my array. See earlier post, it is basically this, the array's rated MPPT current is 53 amperes, I have never seen greater than 46.5 amperes under non-limiting, clear sky conditions. Henry doesn't think my array is under performing, but I do. Among my concerns is Siemen's method of spec. power on the SP75 -- actually rated at 70 watts or more, with no info on typical rating. At times I think I've a bunch of defacto SP70s with 2 years of exposure to the sun. I think that this array should produce better than 50 ampers at times in clear sky conditions.