I wouldn't mount them under the array , unless they can remain vertical and far enough from the ground not to suck in critters and such with the fan
Wiring the home runs in 6 Awg isn't that big of a deal , just use 2" PVC (grey) and pull all the home runs all at once. If you would like the Suntie at the array , I would suggest you make some type of dedicated vertical support for the inverter , unit-strut comes to mind.
Regardless of your DC runs and locations , you will need to beef up the AC side , 10 gauge will be OK for short runs but you should do your losses for the inverters maximum VA (figure 230 volts 11 amps) and if you put the Sunties at the array , 200 ft round trip at 22 amps (both inverters max VA) you would be looking at close to a 2% loss in the AC side wiring using 10 gauge , .76% with 6 Gauge
A good what-if helper is the Home-Power Excel spread-sheet
http://www.homepower.com/files/wire.xls , it is what I use to properly size the wiring and its free