GT-3.0 Manual page 2-21 wrote:
"For multiple inverters mounted in parallel, the brackets should be mounted 30 cm (12 inches) apart. Inverters mounted less than 30 cm (12 inches) apart may not achieve full rated power."
Thats a know error in the manual , they are DESIGNED to be flush mounted , sidebyside , then you can use the boss boxes as the race way. So PV in one side , AC out another , no messy disconnects , ect
I'm looking at 24 panels per inverter and I bump up against the 600V limit with more than eight panels/string. Hence the 3x8 or 4x6 design.
That's only an issue with the Sanyo panels , and for them you would need to fuse the strings , I would suggest an inline fuses , mounted in the BOS compartment
Also, does the deratelimit of 3250 mean it will produce over 3KW if the temp is low enough?
The GT limits based on input power .. so 3250 * .94 = 3055 limit seen on AC side
Is there any reason a poll every 60 seconds would be less accurate?
Unless the power stays exactly the same , you miss any variations between your sample time
GT-View allows you to log at any rate you want , if disk usages is your concern